How Artificial Intelligence (AI) works as a cloud optimization tool

Artificial Intelligence has recently become a tool that is improving and changing all facets of human interaction. The tech world is not left out and AI is transforming cloud and Azure usage and optimization. This transformation is built on data gathering, data learning to improve  analysis and understanding for optimization purposes. 

The work done by AI may arguably be done by humans who have undergone training. However, the quick skill to seek out cloud workings real time to include workloads, monitor utilization, calculate cost, cut down on expenses and optimize spending is where the difference lies. Some details may be either intentional or unintentional overlooked by humans. In the case of an AI enabled tool; this is rare because the outcome is dependent on the data you made available. 

 Artificial Intelligence doing your cloud and in some instances Azure optimization gives your spot-on real-time information to aid your analyses and decision-making purchases or otherwise.  

Our Q360 Cloud Optimization tool for example, shows you bundles bought and is in use (giving you real time consumption details), which licenses have been bought and assigned allowing optimization options to be highlighted. A look at AI working as a cloud optimization tool will help. 

a. Identify Cost Optimization Opportunities 

Organizations signed up to cloud services have the headache of dealing with monitoring and understanding how to save substantially on their purchase. Pulling up and analyzing large sets of data to identify patterns and trends can be a daunting task. This can take a large chunk of your regular business operations and at the end of the day, conclusions made may be tentative if not aided by an AI Cloud tool.  

Using the AI algorithms means using data to study and identify patterns to arrive at reducing inefficiency or waste in operations to save on spending and time. Leveraging this tool allows you to understand spending, purchasing and uses patterns to know what to cut down on to save money.

Artificial Intelligence is able to predict and optimize cloud and Azure costs and assist efficient resource allocation to minimize or totally cut wastage. All this is made possible due to the quick real-time abilities exhibited by AI to identify cost anomalies, for example in billing and make instant decisions to avoid escalating usage into further huge figures.  

b. Cloud resources allocation and management  

Using cloud services requires getting onto various platforms like Azure or using available bundles to propel your organization’s work. Users in order to tap into these services will require access. AI tool helps you know resources available to your organization, how they are or have performed, how to improve performance and to adequately assign them to users for maximum output. You will want to avoid instances where resources are underused or over-allocated, only adding to cost build-ups.  

By leveraging AI for your Cloud resource allocation, based on algorithms, you can predict resource usage and provision resources accordingly. There is a deeper understanding of data gathered to interpret user behavior, system performance, and forecast future resource needs. 

c. Real-time monitoring of workloads 

By monitoring workloads in real-time, AI algorithms are able to point out where adjustments to resource allocations need to be made to ensure systems are running as efficiently as possible. This allows resource allocation in real-time and maintain high-performance levels. Also, you can identify inefficiencies in your cloud system, such as resources sitting idle, and detect or observe recommendations to be made to adjustments to optimize infrastructure.  

d. Workflow automation  

This is where you may want to use AI to assist with automating repetitive tasks and maximizing human resources available. Processes be it simple or complex, adopted to arrive at information gathering to make decisions concerning cloud use can be automated. You can set up your cloud tool to give you feedback on specific cloud products and services such as report generation.  

It is the consistent use of this automation that allows machine learning algorithms from historical data to perform tasks without the need for human intervention. This not only saves time but also improves accuracy, reduces the risk of errors and ultimately saves on cost. 

e. Enhance scalability improving process efficiency 

Optimizing your cloud service or product use should help your organization make informed decisions to save. The information gathered should help determine if there is a need to invest in other products and their resultant advantage to the output already on going. You should not scale up or down based on market trends but rather on your peculiar case. Look at the issues as they are occurring in your organization and your roadmap. Are your finances in good shape now and in the future? Can your roadmap accommodate any unplanned activities? Growth is good for any business, but your cloud optimization should be based on fact and accuracy powered by AI compared to guess work as was with traditional analysis methods. Scalability is inevitable as your organization grows but it should consider facts and improvement in work processes. 

f. Predictive analysis of resources and workloads 

Working in the cloud with a lack or poor foresight of what the future holds in terms of expenses and future purchases can be very costly. There is the need to know if per your operations in the cloud now, will you have to shut down some resources, reallocate workloads and how much will you have to budget for future purchases. 

Using an AI-powered tool like the Q360 cloud optimization tool provides you with factual predictive analysis on what is happening in your cloud usage. No room is available for trial and error as our tool utilizes your use and history algorithms to understand vast complex data. This looks to identify patterns, trends, and insights to arrive at actionable recommendations that humans are most likely not to discern on their own. By leveraging these predictive insights, your organization makes informed decisions about how to allocate resources, reduce expenses, and optimize purchases in order to save. 

The good thing is that you have the benefits of identifying wasteful spending and inefficiencies before they become major problems likely to lead to bankruptcy. Get to track your usage of cloud and Azure resources in real-time, identify areas of excess allocations and make proactive adjustments to usage patterns to optimize costs. 

Q-Advise experts and cloud optimization 

Over the years our team has used an AI powered tool to assist clients save on their cloud usage. Most clients are shocked when we are able to uncover with their own data provided, hidden expenditures they need not to have accrued in the cloud.  Detailed reports show how resources are idle to how some bundle combinations are all it takes to save 40% and more. These organizations also get a bird’s eye view of comprehensive real-time resource use and can take immediate decisions to avert added unwarranted expenses.  

Don’t worry about whatever your cloud subscription is, we can assist you to get a grip on your usage if already in the process whiles making proactive decisions for tomorrow. We consider your finances and roadmap as we work with you to make sure your cloud optimization is well and thoroughly exploited to increase savings. Leave nothing to chance! 

Contact us and book a demo to prove how savings is possible with your cloud use unaware to your organization. 

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